Prime Minister Trudeau’s embarrassment continues when his official plane breaks down in Jamaica following an Indian tragedy.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently went on vacation to Jamaica with his family. However, their return was marred by issues with the military plane that transported them, leading to delays and the need for a replacement aircraft.

Trudeau, who was scheduled to return on January 4, encountered problems with the initial plane, necessitating a second plane to be dispatched along with a maintenance team to address the issue. The second plane served as a backup, and after the problem was fixed, Trudeau and his family returned to Canada on the evening of January 4.

This incident marks the second time in a few months that a plane carrying Trudeau has experienced mechanical problems. In September, his departure from India was delayed due to a faulty part on the aircraft. Trudeau is obligated to use military planes for security reasons.

Initially, Trudeau had indicated that he would cover the costs of his family’s stay in Jamaica. However, it later emerged that they were accommodated at a property owned by family friends without charge. Trudeau’s office did not provide comments on the plane issues, redirecting inquiries to the Department of National Defence.

In the past, during Trudeau’s vacations, the plane would remain nearby while he and his family enjoyed their time, flying them back to Canada when needed. Trudeau’s vacations have previously sparked controversy, such as a trip to a private island in 2016, resulting in findings that he had violated ethics rules.

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